Except for signs erected by or for the Developer or its approved real estate brokerage company for the Subdivision, no sign, advertisement or billboard may be erected or maintained on any Lot except that:
(i) One sign not more than three feet high or three feet wide, not to exceed a total of six square feet, may be maintained offering the residence for sale. For newly constructed homes. offered for sale, only a real estate brokerage company sign (which may include a rider identifying the builder), and not also a separate sign for the builder, may be used if a real estate brokerage company is involved.
(ii) One garage sale sign not more than Wee feet high or three feet wide, not to exceed a total of six square feet, is permitted on the Lot when a permitted garage sale is being held, provided such signs are erected in accordance with City code and are removed within two hours after the close of the sale.
(iii) One political sign per candidate or issue not more than three feet high or three feet wide, not to exceed a total of six square feet, is permitted on the Lot for up to three weeks before the election but must be removed within 24 hours after the election.
No, signs offering a residence for rent shall be allowed in the Subdivision.
No sign shall be placed or maintained in any Common Area without the approval of the Approving Party.